

May 13th, 1978, was crucial in the history of the compoud feed sector…


Rações Valouro, is a private company with a family profile that has been dedicated, for over 40 years, to the manufacture and selling of feedstuffs. The name "Valouro" is due to the toponym related to the location of its first unit, nearby the “Vale do Ouro” (Golden Valley), in the parish of Marteleira, municipality of Lourinhã - where it still maintains their headquarters. In the spring of 1977 started to be buildt and a year later, on May 13th, it begun with a production of 5.000 tones / month. Five years later, in 1983, a second manufacture line started and the unit's production almost doubled, to 9.000 tones / month. Simultaneously, started the elevation of a battery of large grain storage towers , with the purpose of increasing the storage capacity of raw materials, mainly cereals.


In the early eighties Portugal experienced a severe economic recession and Rações Valouro went throughout that decade growing in the market, structuring the poultry sector together with his partners “Persuínos” (now named “Avibom Avícola, SA”) and was recognized as an undisputed leader in the manufacture of poultry feed. The fact that Rações Valouro is integrated on a dynamic, cohesive Group with well-defined goals, enhanced this path. The continuous growth in sales and the need to improve accessibilities, namely the railway, has decided the launch of new manufacturing facility, in Ramalhal, in the year 1988. Afterwards a large part of Marteleir's production was transfered to the new plant and therefore the need to convert Marteleira's second manufacture line to the production of soybean seeds heat processed.


In 1993, a second feed manufacturing line started its operation in Ramalhal, just producing poultry pelleted feedstuffs and twiced its initial install capacity. The following year, the Company bought Promotora, SA - a spanish feedstuffs facility, located in Montijo, Mérida - and so it begin their international development. Almost since its begin, Rações Valouro felt the necessity to manufacture its own premixtures and which became a reality in 1998 with the inauguation, in Ramalhal, of a new unit dedicated to this kind of products . Since then and until nowadays, Rações Valouro is recognized for the high quality, strong nutrition profiles and food security.


In 2018, Rações Valouro contributed to the Portuguese GDP with a turnover of more than 150 M € and employed 135 workers. The Company also gives its name to the "Grupo Valouro" to which it belongs and that brings together 39 companies, employs 2.200 workers and has been considered one of the largest portuguese agribusiness organization.