Social Responsability

Social Responsability

Rações Valouro's Social Responsibility is deep-seated in the local communities where is settled, with the view to contribute for their growth. Valouro belives in order to build a better society must improve people's lifes. Making social and financial contributions aimed at issues as: education / training , preserving the ecosystem and supporting the most unprotected “fringes” of the community: people with disabilities, with health problems and the elderly.


Investing in people, who live in the areas surrounding the Valouro’s facilities, with some of concrete actions such as:

  • Support as many curricular internships as possible, in several areas namely:  nutrition, quality control, management… among others.
  • Supporting research activities with residential internships or through partnerships with schools as: Fernando Barros Leal Agricultural Professional School (Runa), Madeira Torres Secondary School (Torres Vedras), universities and polytechnic institutes, technical and other professional schools.
  • Personal involvement in campaigns such as:
    • Promoting actions within Healthcare Public System by promoting actions for blood donations or bone marrow screening;
    • stimulating gathering of bottle pet caps for humanitarian purposes


Rações Valouro gives financial support to the following Social Solidarity Institutions:

  • AHB Santiago do Cacém
  • Associação Cultural da Marteleira
  • Associação Cultural, Recreativa e Desportiva da Abrunheira
  • APAPECIL – Associação De Amor Educação Cidadãos Inadaptados da Lourinhã
  • APADP – Associação de Pais de Deficientes Profundos
  • Associação Portuguesa dos Amigos Raoul Follereau
  • APEDV – Associação Promotora de Emprego de Deficientes Visuais
  • Bombeiros Voluntários da Lourinhã
  • Casa do Povo da Lourinhã
  • Hóquei Clube da Lourinhã
  • Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro
  • Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Marteleira
  • Sociedade Filarmónica Aldeia Grande
  • Sport Clube União Torrense
  • UDO - União Desportiva do Oeste (Trofeu Joaquim Agostinho)
  • União Sport Club Santiago do Cacém
  • União de Freguesias Aljustrel e Rio Moínhos
  • UNICEF  


Rações Valouro's Social Responsibility is also closely linked to ethical and transparent management with its stakeholders and, therefore, we also want to give a voice to our customers and employees, to help us improve our service and products.