

Environmental issues have always been strategic for the Group...


Internal rules were established to guarantee full compliance with environmental policies and laws in order to achieve the best pratices, such as:

  • Conceiving accurate feeding programs that contributes to the healthy performance of the animals alongside with the promotion of responsible environmental management actions.
    • Improvement of poultry feed precision formulations, in order to reduce animal emissions in the environment (for example: decrease in nitrogen, phosphorus excreted).
  • Making a priority in purchase from suppliers who reveal environmental concerns and have concrete sustainability procedures (suppliers that meet criteria as, for example, participate in the Sustainability Assurance Protocols)
  • Privileging the choice of suppliers and partners located close to Valouro's manufacturing facilities, in order to reduce the CO2 footprint.
  • Establish goals and the best practices to minimize potential negative environmental impacts, with definition of clear objectives:
    • Accomplish programs for rationalizing energy consumption for the Ramalhal and Marteleira units, where parameters such as energy intensity, specific energy consumption and carbon intensity are monitored. Biannual definition of these global economy objectives.
    • Change the way in which feedstuffs are packed, moving towards the exclusive use of paper packaging;
    • Promoting reuse of wooden pallets through the allocation of financial compensation to customers, when returning these materials in good condition. The annual evaluation of this indicator determines the quantification of the objective to be achieved in the following year.;
    • Encourage the reduction of consumption of stretch film in packaging and palletizing of packages - Annual definition of reduction targets.
  • Contribute for the good use of co-products and by-products produced at our poultry farms, namely through the commercialization of organic, pelleted and dehydrated fertilizers.
  • Formulate compound feed for animals taking into account the factor "low-emissions feed diets".