Quality Policy




Quality management is considered as a critical success factor in Rações Valouro … Help us in managing business by using tools as risk assessment and planning.


The Quality Team is responsible to set objectives resulting from the evaluation of organization performance. These objectives should always be aimed at improving the high standard of the product, the customer’s fulfillment, the commitment with other partners, co-workers. Finally running methods, in order to reduce costs, ensure results and guarantee food safety and sustainability.


This goal is achieved through an current investment, in a regular search for the improvement of manufacturing conditions and infrastructures, ensuring the preservation of the environment, through the intelligent use of resources and always in a perspective of sustained and responsible growth.


The Quality Management System is based on the NP EN ISO 9001: 2015 Standard, integrate an HACCP plan outlined according to the Codex Alimentarius and other European Codes of Good Practice.


Rações Valouro Management, as well as all Employees, understand the stated principles, recognize themselves in its spirit and commit themselves to pursue them.